Encounters With Enlightenment: Stories From The Life Of Buddha

By: Saddhaloka


295 221.25

ISBN: 9788183281263

Number of pages: 172

Weight: 230 grams

Dimensions: 21.59 X 13.97 X 0.889 cm

Binding: Paperback

There are many stories about the Buddha in the Buddhist tradition. Some encapsulate profound teachings. Others illustrate the qualities of this truly remarkable figure -- his clarity, his courage, his gentle humor, his kindness, and more. Here Saddhaloka retells in a simple and straightforward way the stories that have moved him most. Traveling with him along the dusty roads of ancient India, we meet the Buddha again and again. If we are able to grasp this precious opportunity, the Buddha's timeless wisdom and inspiring example will change us too.

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