India For A Billion Reasons

By: Amit Dasgupta


4,495 3,371.25

ISBN: 9788183281430

Number of pages: 224

Weight: 2130 grams

Dimensions: 30.48 X 30.48 X 5.08 cm

Binding: Hardcover

India- a land of a billion people,a nation for a billion reasons. India continues to mesmerise and surprise the rest of the world as much as she enchants and bewilders her own people. An ancient civilisation and a young nation at once, modern India is a thriving democracy, an economic powerhouse, an increasingly assertive global political player and a world leader in science and technology. At the same time, she remains rooted in tradition- her art, culture and literature continue to enrich her mind, body and soul as also of the rest of humanity.

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